DALF C1 Course in Kharar

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DALF C1 : Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française in Kharar

Language users at C1 level are autonomous. They are able to communicate fluently and spontaneously. They possess a wide range of vocabulary and are able to choose the correct expression to introduce their comments. They can produce clear and well-constructed discourse without hesitation that shows their command of the use of structure.

Description of DALF C1 examination

Type of tests: DALF C1
Mark out of

Comprehension questionnaires dealing with recordings:
– a long recording (interview, lesson, conference…) approximately eight minutes long (played twice)
– several short radio broadcasts (newsflashes, surveys, adverts etc) (played once).

Maximum duration of recordings: 10 mins

40 minutes

/ 25

Comprehension questionnaires dealing with a text of ideas (literacy or journalistic), 1,500 to 2,000 words long.
50 minutes
/ 25
Two parts test:
– Summarize several written documents totalling approximately 1,000 words
– write an essay with supporting arguments on the documents contents.

Candidates can choose between two fields: humanities and social studies or science

2 hours and
30 minutes

/ 25

A presentation based on a series of written documents, followed by a discussion with the examiners.

Candidates can choose between two fields: humanities and social studies, science

30 minutes 
preparation : 1 hour

/ 25

Total length of group tests: 4 hour 
Total mark out of 100
Overall pass mark of the DALF C1: 50 / 100
Minimum mark required per test: 5 / 25